before and after photo featuring an eyebrow lamination. In the before photo, the client has very sparse brows and doesn't have much of a tail for her brow. The after photo features fuller, darker, fluffy eyebrows.
Before and after photo of a brow lamination. In the before, the brow hairs hug the middle of the brow, leaving empty spaces on both the top and bottom of the eyebrow. The after photo shows thicker and fluffy brows as the hairs are spread out amongst the whole eyebrow.
before and after lamination (1) (1).png__PID:90485313-eb88-4a87-9fea-8eca02f92169

Brow Lamination

This quick and easy microblading alternative creates an illusion of density and length. 

Brow lamination is basically a perm for your brows! In this process, your eyebrows will be swept upwards and outwards, trimmed, and treated to keep them looking fuller for longer. If you think that microblading might be for you because you have small gaps between your brow hairs, a lamination could be the answer. Also perfect for achieving the trendy fluffy brows.

Book alongside an Eyebrow Sculpt for best results.




  • Long lasting results from a quick and easy appointment
  • Non-invasive microblading alternative
  • Strengthens brow hairs
  • Helps with that awkward growing out phase from overplucking